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TDH in Indonesia


Child protection - Psycho-social support


Active in Indonesia since 2009, when the country was badly hit by the earthquake, Terre des hommes (Tdh) has lead activities of child protection and psychosocial support. In 2010, more than 3,404 people benefited from the project implemented

The situation of the children

  • 28% of the population is less than 15 years old
  • 39 children out of 1,000 die before the age of 5 years of age
  • 37% of the children under 5 suffer from stunting
  • Less than half of the babies are delivered in a health institution


Terre des hommes started to intervene in Indonesia following the earthquake that shook the Sumatra Islands on September 30 2009, in collaboration with Terre des Hommes Holland, in place for many years in the region. Hundred of thousands of people were affected, especially children. After a first emergency intervention, Terre des hommes has reoriented its project on a longer-term approach.


  • Recreational activities - Next to affected communities, child friendly spaces are run to enable the children to create and/or reinforce their social skills. Three different types of activities are organised: physical activities (games and sports), creative activities (locally known as arts music, theatre and manual work) and educative activities (including readings, games, etc.).
  • Individual protection - Roughly 10% of the children affected by the earthquake face more serious difficulties to cope with the situation. Thanks to social workers, they are supported individually, according to their vulnerability. In the meantime, Terre des hommes supports the reactivation and reinforcement of pre-existing protection mechanisms and refer the children who need specialised care.
  • A stronger protective environment - The adults dealing with children (parents, teachers and community members) are sensitised and prepared to better deal with children with specific needs. Capacities are strengthened in areas such as psychosocial support but especially related to disaster risk reduction given the geographical conditions of the country.

Results in 2010

  • 1,143 children participated in recreational activities
  • 70 vulnerable children received individual specialized care
  • 39 members of our local implementing partner, Bina Vitalis, were trained to strengthen their abilities to supervise and monitor child protection and psychosocial activities


Pretty little Indah, proud to go to school and help her grandmother.

Indah is five years old and lives with her grandmother in a village in the Padang Pariaman district, which was badly hit by the earthquake in September 2009. Indah, "Beautiful" in Bahasa (the Indonesian official language) is a pretty little girl. She was quickly able to attend the children's centre run by Terre des hommes Lausanne together with Terre des hommes Holland. Every day at 8 am, she arrives at the centre, beaming, often shoeless but clutching a plastic bag with her books, pen and lunch. And she threatens her grandmother with tears if she does not come with her often enough to view all her latest work, and her friends, and everything she has learnt.

In this centre, Indah can play in peace with other children from the region. The youth workers are starting to teach them reading and writing, giving the centre an infant school side, up to now non-existent in the whole area. Like this, Indah will be prepared for primary school when she is seven, and her grandmother is helped with the school enrolment for the little girl. The youth workers are also helping this lady so she can cope with this expense, which oblige her to work in the fields, despite her advanced age.

The whole family and the community attend as well, for instance, meetings on child protection. Indah is equally happy at such moments, as she can then help her grandmother: she shows her how to wash her hands and brush her teeth correctly, and even tells her about the healthy and varied food she should eat to grow up well, although her diet is so far composed entirely of eggplants.

Indonesia in figures

  • Population: 237 million (CH: 7,6)
  • 29% of the population lives with less than 1.25$ per day
  • Life expectancy: 71 years
  • Human development index: 108th country out of 169 (CH : 13th)

What Tdh can do in Indonesia with:

  • CHF 90.-: it allows a total coverage and follow up of an individual child having a particular vulnerability;
  • CHF 100.-: is the amount Tdh uses to run a centre per month (pedagogical and education material used for an average of 100 children per month).

Presence of TDH in Indonesia:

COORDINATOR: Michela Miele - INTERVENTION AREAS: Padang - PARTNER ORGANISATIONS: Terre des Hommes Netherlands, Bina Vitalis - 2010-2011 BUDGET: CHF 813,797.-